Below you will find our disclaimer.
You can always contact us directly for further questions.
Below you will find our disclaimer.
You can always contact us directly for further questions.
Acceptance of the Terms
SafetyTracer has set up its website as a service to customers, advisers and dealers. By visiting the site, you confirm that you have read and agree to the terms below. If you do not agree to the conditions below, you must leave this site immediately.
Intellectual property rights
Everything mentioned on the site is subject to intellectual property rights of Mopas or the original creator of the material. You can think of drawings, logos, photos, texts and the graphic design of the websites. To protect the interests of SafetyTracer and third parties, you are free to view, download, copy, print, and distribute material from these sites as long as: the material is used for informational purposes only; the material is used for non-commercial purposes only, unless you have received express written permission to do so; copies of the material contain SafetyTracer copyright notice.
Warranty disclaimer
While providing accurate information on these websites is a SafetyTracer goal, we do not accept responsibility for its accuracy at any time. SafetyTracer reserves the right to change the information displayed on these sites at any time, without prior notice to the visitor. The data on these sites is intended to provide the user with general information about SafetyTracer and does not constitute any warranty. SafetyTracer disclaims all warranties in any form whatsoever.
News websites
The information on these websites, including news items, may no longer be up to date. SafetyTracer is not obliged, and cannot be obliged to do so, to keep the information on these websites up to date. Liability SafetyTracer is not liable for damage, in whatever form, resulting from the use or inability to use the information on these websites, even if SafetyTracer has been informed of the possibility thereof.
This site may contain hyperlinks to third party sites. SafetyTracer is not responsible for the content of those sites nor for any material you may be able to download from those sites, and different terms and conditions may apply to those sites. SafetyTracer offers you this option solely for your convenience.
Availability of products
All products and descriptions thereof mentioned on these sites are subject to change. Please contact SafetyTracer if you would like to receive more specific product information.
Good use
It is prohibited to post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, offensive, defamatory or other offensive material on these websites or via this website. It is also not permitted to use these websites in a way that could hinder other users or otherwise affect the proper functioning of these websites and the underlying software.
Your data
Any information posted or left by the user on these websites is considered non-confidential and non-proprietary. SafetyTracer can exchange or use the information left by the user for any purpose. If the user leaves information on this website that has a personal character, the user agrees that SafetyTracer may use this information for its own business purposes in the Netherlands or abroad. For further information regarding the handling of personal data, please refer to our Privacy Statement.
Copyright © SafetyTracer